Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Trademark Registration

A trademark registration is a type of intellectual property, well typically concentrate on name, word, phrase, logo, image, symbol, design or combination of these elements which distinguish services of one person or enterprise from those of others.

How to register a trademark?

If you are going to start a new business or trade, a logo, name or signature is most 1st work you choose that is to separate from others. Solubilis - A trademark registration in India company inform of providing services like how to register a trademark, trademark search etc..

Trademark registry was established in india in 1940 and presently it administers the trademark act, 1999 and the rules followed. The main function of the registry is to register trademark which qualifies for registration under act & rules. 

How to get your Trademark Registered? A step by step procedure will give you clear cut idea,
  1. Search
  2. Who may apply?
  3. Requirements for making an application
  4. Where to file application and forums?
  5. Form and signing of application
  6. Application for registration in more than one class
  7. Statement of user in application
  8. Representation of Mark
  9. Additional Representation
  10. Representation to be durable and satisfactory
  11. Transliteration and Translation
  12. Specimens of mark
  13. Names and representations of living persons
  14. Name and description of goods on a mark
  15. Application under reciprocal arrangements
  16. Defensive registration of well known trademarks
Solubilis provides different types of trademark search in india. The most effective way is a search is to provide online trademark search. Solubilis is a famous trademark registration in India from 2011 on-wards.

Get more details about trademark registration at


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