Friday, 5 July 2013

Latest updates on Trademark Registration

Trademark History

Solubilis provide Trademark registration in India. Trademark services embody many alternative services together with trademark legal proceeding, trademark watch, trademark infringement, trademark classification, trademark social control and lots of additional.

Trademark Registration | Trademark Search | Register Trademark

Trademark Registration with Solubilis

  1.  The law of trademark in India before 1940 was based on the common law principles of passing off and equity as followed in England before the enactment of the first Registration Act, 1875.
  2. The first statutory law related to trademark in India was the Trade Marks Act, 1940 which had similar provision like the UK Trade Marks Act, 1938.
  3.  In 1958,the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act,1958 was enacted which consolidated the provisions related to trademarks contained in other statutes like, the INDIAN Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code and the sea customs Act.
  4. The Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 was repealed by the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and is the current governing law related to registered trademarks. The 1999 Act was enacted to comply with the provisions of the TRIPS (Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
  5. Though some aspects of the unregistered trade marks have been enacted into the 1999 Act, but they are primarily governed by the common law rules based on the principles evolved out of the judgments of Courts.
  6.         Where the law is ambiguous, the principles evolved and interpretation made by the Courts in England have been applied in India taking into consideration the context of our legal procedure, laws and realities of India.

    Client need to spend some little time in website for trademark search which distinguishes from others. It is free the company won't charge for that. Then solubilis team will take care of your trademark & you will get register trademark within 60 minutes duration.

    For more details on how to register a trademark visit website to collect more information regarding what the company planned to give you the offers.

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